Terms of Use

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The Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO) maintains this site to facilitate public access to SISO’s information and programs. This service is continually under development. We will endeavour to keep this site current and will make every effort to correct errors brought to our attention.

The documents on this site may contain hypertext pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. Please be aware that we do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed or products or services offered by the author of the reference or the organization operating the site on which the reference is maintained.

The documents on this site may or may not be standards or regulations. They create no new legal obligations. These documents may contain recommendations as well as descriptions of mandatory safety and health standards and other regulatory requirements. Users are to discern documents that are legally binding. The recommendations are mostly advisory in nature, informational in content, and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace.

The documents, and information provided to this site, are made available free of charge, may be printed or downloaded onto electronic, optical or similar storage media provided that such activities are for private research, study, or in-house use only. Providers of information to this site agree to make such information available free of charge, to be printed or downloaded onto electronic, optical or similar storage media provided that such activities are for private research, study, or in-house use only.  If such material is to be copied or reproduced, users should ensure that the material is reproduced accurately and not in a misleading context, that the status of the material is identified and to acknowledge SISO and/or the original contributors as the source of the material.